Are you “Should”-ing on your Relationships?

shoulds in relationships

The Fearless Intimacy theme for August is...


Think about all the patterns, habits, conditioning and thoughts you have around relationships, getting close, having sex, being sensual...

What a tome we each would have!

We've all got 'em, and some of them support nourishing connection...

While some of them aren't so helpful in supporting us to connect in a healthy way.

Today I'm talking about SHOULD's, a whole word that is loaded with "This Way is the Right Way" connotations.

The stories above are not BAD: If you happen to spend a lot of your time with your Partner and that's a truly sustainable and truly nourishing practice for both of you...SUPER.

The issue is when we feel like if we DON'T spend all our time with our Partner then we're doing something wrong, we can't self-regulate, or we don't know what to do with ourselves...

That's when we can ask these 3 questions:
⚡How is this serving me?
⚡How is this serving my Partner?
⚡How is this serving our Relationship?

Tell me: What's one SHOULD you want to ditch about how you do relationships? 👇

Want to dive into Repatterning Relationship Stories with me? Join the Fearless Intimacy FB group--it's FREE.💥


Communicating with Your Anxious Partner